

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2022-07-15     浏览次数:




1. 2019-    :副教授——西北农林科技大学园艺学院,采后教研室,杨凌

2. 2014-2018:讲  师——西北农林科技大学园艺学院,采后教研室,杨凌

3. 2008-2014:硕博连读——华中农业大学园艺林学学院果树学,武汉

4. 201307-201312:访问学者——美国华盛顿州立大学生物化学实验室(IBS)

5. 2004-2008:本科——华中农业大学园艺林学学院园艺学,武汉





MdMYBR9 基因调控苹果酯类香气物质合成的分子机制,自然科学基金,2021-2024,主持(项目编号32072530);

‘蜜脆’ב秦冠’苹果F1代果实香气物质的遗传分析与QTL定位,自然科学基金, 201601-201812,主持(项目编号31501724);

基于化学分类学研究苹果中二醇类香气物质的遗传获得,中国博士后科学基金第58批面上资助, 201510 -201704,主持(项目编号2015M580881);






智能水果包装的研发与推广,西北农林科技大学试验示范站(基地)科技创新与成果转化项目,201906— 202106,主持(项目编号TGZX2019-16);







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·Liu C, He M, Xu J* (2022) The constitutions of terpenoids and hormones of leaves in red-flesh citrus mutants. Hortic Plant J 8 (3): 297-310.

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·Liu C, Zhang Z, Dang Z, Xu J*, Ren X*. (2021) New insights on phenolic compound metabolism in pomegranate fruit during storage. Sci Hortic 285: 110138

·Liu C, Liu X, Tian X, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Shi J, Xu J*, Ren X*. (2021) Determination of volatile profiles inside fruit storage facilities using MonoTrapTM monolithic silica adsorbent and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Hortic Plant J 7: 267-274

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·Ge M#, Zhang L#, Ai J, Ji R, He L*, Liu C*. (2020) Effect of heat shock and potassium sorbate treatments on gray mold and postharvest quality of ‘XuXiang’ kiwifruit. Food Chem 324: 126891.

·Liu C, He M, Wang Z, Xu J*. (2019) Integrative analysis of terpenoid profiles and hormones from fruits of red-flesh citrus mutants and their wild types. Molecules 24(19): 3456.

·Zhang H#, Liu C#, Yao J, Deng C, Xu J* et al. (2019)  Citrus mangshanensis pollen confers a xenia effect on linalool oxide accumulation in pummelo fruit by enhancing the expression of a cytochrome P450 78A7 gene CitLO1.  J Agric Food Chem 67 (34): 9468-9476. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.9b03158

· Jiang Y#, Liu C#, Yan D, Wen X, Ren X* et al. (2017) MdHB1 down-regulation activates anthocyanin biosynthesis in the white-fleshed apple cultivar ‘Granny Smith’. J Exp Bot 68(5):1055-1069

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· Zhang H, XieY, Liu C, Chen S, Xu J* et al. (2017) Comprehensive comparative analysis of volatile compounds in citrus fruits of different species. Food Chem 230: 316-326.

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·Liu C, Jiang D, Cheng Y, DengX, Xu J*, et al. (2013) Chemotaxonomic study of  Citrus ,  Poncirus  and  Fortunella  genotypes base on peel oil volatile compounds—Deciphering the genetic origin of Mangshanyegan ( Citrus nobilis Lauriro). PlosOne 8(3): e58411. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058411.

·Liu C, Zhang H, Dai Z, Liu X, Xu J* et al. (2012) Volatile chemical and carotenoid profiles in watermelons [ Citrullus vulgaris (Thunb.) Schrad (Cucurbitaceae)] with different flesh colors. Food Sci Biotechnol 21: 531-541.

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· 彭一航, 任小林, 王颖, 王小娟, 刘翠华*. (2024) 2023-2024延安富士苹果采后损失调研与品质分析. 西北园艺, 2025(已接收).

· 李岑, 李瑞, 赵琦琦, 任小林, 刘翠华*. (2024) 低密度聚乙烯内衬袋对‘富士’苹果贮藏品质及虎皮病的影响. 保鲜与加工, 2024, 24(11):1-11.

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· 徐娟,刘翠华,张海朋,方柳,田静.一种提高柑橘果实香味的方法.专利号:ZL201510522642.2,授权公告日:2017.02.22

· 徐娟,张海朋,刘翠华,李明月,陈嘉景,田静.一种细胞色素P450酶的应用.专利号:ZL201910568394.3,授权公告日:2020.12.01(专利)







苹果 MdADH5 基因的表达分析及功能验证(项目编号:S202010712667;项目负责人:李佳乐),大学生创新创业训练计划项目(省级),(指导教师),2020-2021




实验室  :西北农林科技大学园艺学院采后实验室 

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