Microscopic Imaging Room

Microscopic Imaging Room (room 308)

The Microscopic Imaging Room(1)provides scientific services, which mainly include the services of preparation of paraffin sections, conventional tableting, dyeing, drying, decolorization, micrography, microdissection, microscopic live imaging, and fluorescence imaging. The equipment in the microscope room consists of the laser scanning confocal microscope, a fluorescence microscope, and paraffin sectioning equipment.

Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope

Basic Information:

Model: TCS SP8 SR

Manufacturer: Leica (Germany)

Device Configuration:

  1. Microscope: DMi8 full-electric inverted microscope

    Observation method: bright field, differential interference contrast, polarization, fluorescence (Filter: UV/GFP/RFP)

    Fluorescent lighting: long-life metal halide light source, life of more than 2000 hours, fiber optic conduction

    Objective: semi apochromatic objective 1.25 x; 10 x, 20 x, 40 x, 63 x, 100 x confocal dedicated objective lens

    Laser: 405 near-ultraviolet, 488 blue, 514 green, 552 yellow, 638 red solid-state laser

    Detectors: 2 Leica patented spectral high sensitivity detectors, 3 PMT conventional spectral detectors

    Spectroscopic scanning function: all 5 fluorescence detectors can be used for spectral scanning, and the range of spectral scanning is 400-800 nm

    The maximum scanning resolution is 8192x8192 pixels. gray scale: 8, 12, and 16 bits

    It can carry out multi-dimensional combined scanning, including X, Y, Z, T, λ (spectral wavelength), θ (rotation angle), I (light intensity), A (region), etc., realizing point, line, curve, area, and spectral wavelength scanning and so on. Five fluorescent signals plus one transmitted light can be collected simultaneously

Test Project:

  1. Observation of all kinds of stained, non-stained, fluorescence-labeled tissue sections and living cells. Accurate description, localization as well as qualitative, quantitative, and periodic analysis of dynamic changes of the above structures

    Qualitative, quantitative, periodic, and localized observation of cellular biological substances

    Direct observation and dynamic characterization of cell ion channels

    3D image reconstruction

    Co-localization analysis

    Analysis of dynamic fluorescence intensity, ratio value measurement (calcium ion)

    Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, fluorescence resonance energy transfer

Automatic Upright Fluorescence Microscope

Basic Information:

Model: BX63

Manufacturer: Olympus (Japan) Company

Device Configuration:

  1. Observation method: Bright field\Phase\Fluorescence\DIC

    Objective: plan semi apochromat objective 4×, 10×, 20×, 40×, 40× (Phase), 60× (Oil), 100× (Oil)

    Semiconductor monochromatic cold CCD:2/3 inches, physical pixels 1.4 million; Semiconductor color cold CCD:2/3 inches,12.5 million pixels, image acquisition speed: 15 p/ SEC

    Filter: UV/ GFP/ RFP/YFP\

Test Project:

1. Observation of general biological staining slice

2. Research of plants' living molecular markers

3. Research of cell immunofluorescence

Upright Fluorescence Microscope

Upright Fluorescence Microscope

Basic Information:

Model: BX51

Manufacturer: Olympus (Japan) Company

Device Configuration:

1. Observation method: Bright field\Fluorescence

2. Objective: plan semi apochromat objective 4×, 10×, 20×, 40×, 100×

3. CCD: cold color CCD: 2/3 inch, 12.5 million pixels, image acquisition speed: 15 p/ SEC

4. Filter: UV/ GFP/RFP

Test Project:

1. Observation of general biological staining slice

2. Research of plants' living molecular markers

3. Research of cell immunofluorescence

Inverted fluorescence Microscope

Basic Information:

Model: IX71

Manufacturer: Olympus (Japan) Company

Device Configuration:

1. Observation method: Bright field \ Phase\Fluorescence

2. Objective:long working distance fluorescence objective 4×, 10×, 20×, 40×

3. CCD: cold color CCD: 17 million pixels, image acquisition speed: 15 p/SEC

4. Filter: GFP/RFP

Test Project:

1. Observation of biocytoculture

2. Research into biological tissue culture

3. Observation of living cell fluorescence

Inverted fluorescence Microscope

Basic Information:

Model: Axio Observer D1

Manufacturer: Carle Zeiss(Germany) Company

Device Configuration:

1. Observation:Bright field \ Phase\Fluorescence\DIC\Polarized light.

2. Eyepiece: 10X

3 .Objective: Objective LD A-Plan 5×|0.15 Ph1

Objective EC Plan-Neofluar 10×|0.3 Ph1

Objective LD A-Plan 20×|0.35 Ph1

Objective Plan-Apochromat 20×|0.8

Objective LD Plan-Neofluar 40×|0.6 Corr Ph2

Objective EC Plan-Neofluar 40×|1.30 Oil

Objective Plan-Apochromat 63×|1.40 Oil

Objective Plan-Apochromat 100×|1.4 Oil

4.CCD: color digital CCD 5 million effective physical pixels

Cold monochrome CCD Two million eight hundred and thirty thousand effective physical pixels.

5.Filter: UV EX BP 365/12, BS FT 395, EM LP 397

RFP EX BP 450-490, BS FT 510, EM LP 515

GFP EX BP 510-560, BS FT 580, EM LP 590

YFP EX BP 500|20, BS FT 515, EM BP 535|30

Test Project:

1. Observation of biocytoculture

2. Research into biological tissue culture

3. Observation of living cell fluorescence

Stereoscopic Fluorescence Microscope

Basic Information:

Model: LEICA MZ10F

Manufacturer: LEICA (Germany) Company

Device Configuration:

1.Observation method: Stereo FluorescenceMagnification range: 8x-80x

2.Eyepiece: 10×/23B

3.Objective: apochromat objective1.0×

4.CCD: Leica DFC450 C Digital Camera

5.Filter: UV/GFP/RFP

Test Project:

1. Plant organ dissection and observation

2. Biological section observation

3. Biological specificity of a fluorescent protein

Continuous Vaploid Fluorescence Micrograph System

Basic Information:

Model: SZX16

Manufacturer: Olympus (Japan)

Device Configuration:

1. Observation method: Incident and reflected light from a bright field

2. Objective: High-resolution APO objective 1×

3. CCD: Color CCD, 18 million pixels, image acquisition speed: 15 p/SEC

Test Project:

1. Plant organ dissection and observation

2. Biological section observation

Rotary Microtome

Basic Information:

Model: RM2016

Manufacturer: LEICA (Germany) Company

Device Configuration:

1.Slice thickness from 1-60um

2.Samples of horizontal displacement of 25mm

3.Samples vertical maximum 70mm in diameter

Test Project:

  1. Horticultural crops' paraffin section

    Organization stand

    Baking organization

Semi-Thin Microtome

Basic Information:

Model: RM2265

Manufacturer: LEICA (Germany) Company

Device Configuration:

1. Slice thickness 0.25-100μm

2. Vertical distance 70mm

3. Electric injection speed ≥2

Test Project:

Semi-thin as observed by electron microscopy and staining of plant tissue structure.