

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2025-02-24     浏览次数:




祝令成,男,山东济宁人,中共党员。2022年6月毕业于西北农林科技大学果树学专业,获农学博士学位;同年6月进入西北农林科技大学生物学博士后流动站开展博士后研究工作;2024年12月入职西北农林科技大学园艺学院。近年来围绕苹果果实品质形成与调控开展研究,研究成果为园艺产业栽培、管理措施的改良以提升果实品质提供了新思路和新方法。以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在PNAS、Nature Plants、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal等知名期刊发表论文10余篇,申报国家发明专利3项。




1. 第九届中国科协青年人才托举工程项目,2023-2025年,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2025-2027年,主持;

3. 十四五国家重点研发项目子课题,2023-2027年,主持;

4. 陕西省科协青年人才托举计划项目,2024-2025年,主持;

5. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2023-2024年,主持,已结题;

6. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2023-2024年,主持,已结题;

7. 陕西省博士后科研项目特别资助,2023-2024年,主持,已结题。


1. 陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖一等奖,2023年(排名3/9);

2. 陕西省第六届研究生创新成果展一等奖,2022年(排名1/5);

3. 陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖二等奖,2022年(排名1/11);

4. 陕西省优秀博士毕业论文,2024年;

5. 宝钢教育优秀学生奖,2021年;

6. 博士研究生国家奖学金,2021年;

7. 陕西省优秀毕业生,2022年;

8. 西北农林科技大学十佳优秀毕业生(研究生),2022年;

9. 西北农林科技大学优秀博士学位论文,2022年;

10. 西北农林科技大学国家重点实验室第一届研究生学术论坛一等奖,2020年;

11. 西北农林科技大学优秀共产党员,2020年;

12. 西北农林科技大学优秀研究生,2021年;

13. 西北农林科技大学优秀毕业生,2022年。


1. Zhu L, Li Y, Wang C, Wang Z, Cao W, Su J, Peng Y, Li B, Ma B, Ma F*, Ruan YL*, Li M*. The SnRK2.3-AREB1-TST1/2 cascade activated by cytosolic glucose regulates sugar accumulation across tonoplasts in apple and tomato.

Nature Plants , 2023, 9, 951-964. (Highlighted by Xu Y in  Hereditas , “ESI”高被引论文)

2. Zhu L, Li B, Wu L, Li H, Wang Z, Wei X, Ma B, Zhang Y, Ma F*, Ruan YL*, Li M*. MdERDL6-mediated glucose efflux to the cytosol promotes sugar accumulation in the vacuole through up-regulating TSTs in apple and tomato.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 2021, 118, e2022788118. (Faculty Opinions推荐, “ESI”高被引论文)

3. Li B, Qu S, Kang J, Peng Y, Yang N, Ma B, Ruan YL, Ma F, Li M, Zhu L*.

The MdCBF1/2-MdTST1/2 module regulates sugar accumulation in response to low temperature in apple.  Plant Journal , 2024, 118, 787-801.

4. Li B#, Zhu L#, Qu S, Yang N, Ma W, Ma B, Ma F, Fu A*, Li M*.

Landscape and dynamics of transcriptional regulatory network involved in sugar and acid accumulation during apple fruit development.

Plant Physiology , 2024, 195, 2772-2786.

5. Zhu L, Zhang C, Yang N, Cao W, Li Y, Peng Y, Ma B, Ma F, Li M*. Vacuolar sugar transporters regulated by MdDREB2A improved drought resistance through accumulating soluble sugars and activating ABA signalling in apple.

Horticulture Research , 2024, doi:10.1093/hr/uhae251.

6. Zhu L, Su J, Jin Y, Zhao H, Tian X, Zhang C, Ma F, Li M*, Ma B*. Genome-wide identification, molecular evolution, and expression divergence of the hexokinase gene family in apple.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2021, 20, 2112-2125.

7. Zhu L, Tian X, Peng Y, Su J, Li B, Yang N, Ma F, Li M*. Comprehensive identification of sugar transporters in the  Malus spp. genomes reveals their potential functions in sugar accumulation in apple fruits.  Scientia Horticulturae , 2022, 303, 111232.

8. Peng Y#, Zhu L#, Tian R, Wang L, Su J, Yuan Y, Ma F, Li M*, Ma B*. Genome-wide identification, characterization and evolutionary dynamic of invertase gene family in apple, and revealing its roles in cold tolerance.  International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 2023, 229, 766-777.

9. Yuan J, Wang X, Qu S, Shen T, Li M, Zhu L*. The roles of miR156 in abiotic and biotic stresses in plants.

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 2023, 204, 108150.

10. Su J#, Zhu L#, Peng Y, Cao W, Ma C*. Genome-wide identification, molecular evolution, and functional characterization of apple fructokinase gene family reveals their roles in salinity tolerance improvement.

Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2024, 23, 3723–3736.

11. 祝令成, 苏静, 彭云静, 曹文静, 马锋旺, 马百全, 李明军*. 糖转运蛋白与果实糖积累的关系研究进展. 园艺学报, 2022, 49, 2529-2542.


1. Li B, Zhu L, Jin Y, Peng Y, Feng Z, Yang N, Ma F, Ma B, Li M*. Effects of two apple tonoplast sugar transporters, MdTST1 and MdTST2, on the accumulation of sugar.  Sci Hortic , 2021, 293, 110719.

2. Yang J, Zhu L, Cui W, Zhang C, Li D, Ma B, Cheng L, Ruan YL, Ma F, Li M*. Increased activity of MdFRK2, a high-affinity fructokinase, leads to upregulation of sorbitol metabolism and downregulation of sucrose metabolism in apple leaves.  Hortic Res , 2018, 5, 71.

3. Tian X, Zhu L, Yang N, Song J, Zhao H, Zhang J, Ma F, Li M*. Proteomics and Metabolomics Reveal the Regulatory Pathways of Ripening and Quality in Post-Harvest Kiwifruits.  J Agric Food Chem , 2021, 69, 824-835.

4. Zhang L, Zhu L, Xu Y, Lu L, Li X, Li W, Liu W, Ma F, Li M*, Han D*. Genome-wide identification and function analysis of the sucrose phosphate synthase MdSPS gene family in apple.

J Integr Agr , 2023, 22, 2080-2093.

5. Cheng X, Zhu L, Song J, Zhang J, Li M*. Transcriptomics reveals the molecular mechanism underlying kiwifruit expansion following forchlorfenuron (CPPU) treatment.  Fruit Res , 2022, 2, 4.

6. Miao S, Wei X, Zhu L, Ma B, Li M*. The art of tartness: the genetics of organic acid content in fresh fruits.  Hortic Res , 2024, uhae225.

7. Su J, Zhang C, Zhu L, Yang N, Yang J, Ma B, Ma F, Li M*. MdFRK2-mediated sugar metabolism accelerates cellulose accumulation in apple and poplar.  Biotechnol Biofuels , 2021, 14, 137.

8. Jing S, Li Y, Zhu L, Su J, Yang T, Liu B, Ma B, Ma F, Li M*, Zhang M*. Transcriptomics and metabolomics reveal effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and development of apple plants.  Front Plant Sci , 2022, 13, 1052464.

9. Su J, Cui W, Zhu L, Li B, Ma F,

Li M*. Response of carbohydrate metabolism-mediated sink strength to auxin in shoot tips of apple plants.  J Integr Agr , 2022, 21, 422-433.

10. Zhang L, Zhang A, Xu Y, Zhu L, Ma B, Li M*. Accumulation and regulation of malate in fruit cells.  Fruit Res , 2024, 4, e031.

11. Zhao H, Wan S, Huang Y, Li X, Jiao T, Zhang Z, Ma B, Zhu L, Ma F, Li M*. The transcription factor MdBPC2 alters apple growth and promotes dwarfing by regulating auxin biosynthesis.  Plant Cell , 2023, koad297. (Highlighted by Bascom JC)

12. Zheng L, Ma W, Liu P, Song S, Wang L, Yang W, Ren H, Wei X, Zhu L, Peng J, Ma F, Li M, Ma B. Transcriptional factor MdESE3 controls fruit acidity by activating genes regulating malic acid content in apple.  Plant Physiol , 2024, kiae282.

13. Peng Y, Yuan Y, Chang W, Zheng L, Ma W, Ren H, Liu P, Zhu L, Su J, Ma F, Li M, Ma B*. Transcriptional repression of MdMa1 by MdMYB21 in Ma locus decreases malic acid content in apple fruit.  Plant J , 2023, 115, 1231-1242.

14. Tian X, Zou H, Xiao Q, Xin H, Zhu L, Li Y, Ma B, Cui N, Ruan YL, Ma F, Li M*. Uptake of glucose from the rhizosphere, mediated by apple MdHT1.2, regulates carbohydrate allocation.  Plant Physiol , 2023, 193, 410-425. (Highlighted by Kazachkova Y)

15. Su J, Jiao T, Liu X, Zhu L, Ma B, Ma F, Li M*. Calcyclin-binding protein-promoted degradation of MdFRUCTOKINASE2 regulates sugar homeostasis in apple.  Plant Physiol , 2023, 191, 1052-1065.

16. Zhang L, Wang C, Jia R, Yang N, Jin L, Zhu L, Ma B, Yao YX, Ma F, Li M*. Malate metabolism mediated by the cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase gene MdcyMDH affects sucrose synthesis in apple fruit.  Hortic Res , 2022, 9, uhac194.

17. Ma W, Li B, Zheng L, Peng Y, Tian R, Yuan Y, Zhu L, Su J, Ma F, Li M, Ma B*. Combined Profiling of Transcriptome and DNA Methylome Reveal Genes Involved in Accumulation of Soluble Sugars and Organic Acid in Apple Fruits.  Foods , 2021, 10, 2198.

18. Ma B, Gao M, Zhang L, Zhao H, Zhu L, Su J, Li C, Li M, Ma F, Yuan Y*. Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of Apple P3A-Type ATPase Genes, with Implications for Alkaline Stress Responses.  Forests , 2020, 11, 292.

19. Tong X, Wang Z, Ma B, Zhang C, Zhu L, Ma F, Li M*. Structure and expression analysis of the sucrose synthase gene family in apple.  J Integr Agr , 2018, 17, 847-856.

20. 苏静, 祝令成, 刘茜, 彭云静, 马百全, 马锋旺, 李明军*. 果实糖代谢与含量调控的研究进展.  果树学报 , 2021, 1-21.

21. 田晓成, 祝令成, 邹晖, 李白云, 马锋旺, 李明军*. 果实可溶性糖的积累模式及其调控研究进展.  园艺学报 , 2023, 1-11.

22. 李会霞, 祝令成, 张钊, 马锋旺, 李明军*. 苹果中磷酸蔗糖合酶家族基因的表达特性及其与蔗糖含量的关系.  西北植物学报 , 2017, 37, 872-878.

23. 张立华, 徐玉, 郑丽桐, 王长智, 祝令成, 马百全, 李明军*. 酸转运蛋白与果实酸积累关系的研究进展.  园艺学报 , 2024,51, 1474-1488.


Email:zhulingcheng316@nwafu.edu.cn; 1030299631@qq.com
