

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2020-08-24     浏览次数:









1)陕西省农业专项资金项目(2022),NO. NYKJ-2022-YL(XN)37,10万,2022.01-2023.12

2)陕西省重点研发计划项目,NO. 2022NY-154,8万,2022.01-2023.12

3)农业农村部富硒产品开发与质量控制重点实验室开放课题项目,NO. Se-2021B03,5万,2022.01-2023.12

4)西北农林科技大学城固茶产业产学研一体化示范基地建设项目,NO. FPZXCG2021-22,15万,2021.01-2023.12

5)国家自然科学基金青年项目,NO. 31902071,25万,2020.01-2022.12

6)陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,NO. 2019JQ-550,3万,2019.01-2020.12

7)杨凌示范区农业科技助力脱贫攻坚项目,NO. 2019-FP-06,8万,2019.01-2020.12

8)西北农林科技大学扶贫帮扶项目,NO. FPZXCG2019-2,10万,2018.11-2020.10

9)杨凌示范区科技计划项目,NO. 2018NY-17,8万,2018.07-2020.06

10)西北农林科技大学试验示范站(基地)科技成果推广项目,NO. TGZX2018-39,6万,2018.10-2020.09


1)Bai H#, Chen JF#, Gao T, Tang ZY, Li H, Gong SY, Du Y, Yu YB, Wang WD*. A Na+/H+ antiporter localized on the Golgi-to-vacuole transport system from  Camellia sinensis , CsNHX6, plays a positive role in salt tolerance. Scientia Horticulturae, 2023, 309: 111704.

2)Gao T, Mo YX, Huang HY, Yu JM, Wang Y, Wang WD*. Heterologous expression of  Camellia sinensis late embryogenesis abundant protein gene 1 ( CsLEA1 ) confers cold stress tolerance in  Escherichia coli and Yeast, Horticultural Plant Journal, 2021, 7(1): 89-96.

3)Xu XH#, Wang WD#, Sun Y, Xiong AQ, Wu ZC, Tian ZQ, Li XY, Wang YH*. MicroRNA omics analysis of  Camellia sinesis pollen tubes in response to low-temperature and nitric oxide.  Biomolecules , 2021, 11: 930.

4)Wang WD, Gao T, Chen JF, Yang JK, Huang HY, Yu YB*. The late embryogenesis abundant gene family in tea plant ( Camellia sinensis ): Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis in response to cold and dehydration stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 135: 277-286.

5)Chen JF, Gao T, Wan SQ, Zhang YH, Yang JK, Yu YB, Wang WD*. Genome-wide identification, classification and expression analysis of the  HSP gene superfamily in tea plant ( Camellia sinensis ). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(9): 2633.

6)Guo JH, Chen JF, Yang JK, Yu YB, Yang YJ, Wang WD*. Identification, characterization and expression analysis of the VQ motif-containing gene family in tea plant ( Camellia sinensis ). BMC Genomics, 2018, 19: 710.

7)Wan SQ#, Wang WD#, Zhou TS, Zhang YH, Chen JF, Xiao B, Yang YJ*, Yu YB*. Transcriptomic analysis reveals the molecular mechanisms of  Camellia sinensis in response to salt stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 2018, 84(3): 481-492.

8)Wang WD, Sheng XY, Shu ZF, Li DQ, Pan JT, Ye XL, Chang PP, Li XH and Wang YH*. Combined cytological and transcriptomic analysis reveals a nitric oxide signaling pathway involved in cold-inhibited  Camellia sinensis pollen tube growth. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 456.

9)Wang WD, Xin HH, Wang ML, Ma QP, Wang L, Kaleri NA, Wang YH* and Li XH*. Transcriptomic analysis reveals the molecular mechanisms of drought-stress-induced decreases in  Camellia sinensis leaf quality. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 385.

10)Wang WD#, Wang YH#, Du YL, Zhao Z, Zhu XJ, Jiang X, Shu ZF, Yin Y and Li XH*. Overexpression of  Camellia sinensis H1 histone gene confers abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Plant Cell Reports, 2014, 33(11): 101-108.

11)陈江飞, 杨建坤, 黄慧宇, 余有本, 王伟东*. 茶树己糖激酶基因 CsHXK1 的克隆与表达分析. 西北农业学报, 2020, 29(1): 2186-2193.

12)任燕, 高童, 陈江飞, 杨建坤, 黄慧宇, 王伟东*. 茶树 CsLEA5 基因的克隆及表达分析. 西北植物学报, 2018, 38(12): 2186-2193.

13)陈江飞, 余津铭, 杨建坤, 余有本, 肖斌, 杨亚军, 王伟东*. 茶树Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白基因 CsNHX1 、 CsNHX2 的克隆及表达分析. 茶叶科学, 2018, 38(6): 559-568.

14)陈江飞, 高童, 万思卿, 张永恒, 周天山, 余有本, 杨亚军, 肖斌*, 王伟东*. 茶树小分子热激蛋白基因 CsHSP22.4 、 CsHSP27.4 、 CsHSP17.5 和 CsHSP25.2 的克隆与表达分析. 园艺学报, 2018, 45(6): 1160-1172.

15)王伟东, 疏再发, 杜昱林, 黎星辉, 王玉花*. 茶树鸟氨酸转氨酶基因 Cs  δ  -OAT 克隆与表达分析. 园艺学报, 2014, 41(12): 2465-2473.

16)王伟东, 蒋芯, 杜昱林, 王玉花*, 黎星辉*. 低温对茶树花粉管抑制作用与NO关系的研究. 园艺学报, 2013, 40(8): 1535-1540.


通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学园艺学院



Email: wangweidong@nwafu.edu.cn

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