

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2017-05-09     浏览次数:14446


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4. 科研项目


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1Tao Q#, Niu H#, Wang Z, Zhang W, Wang H, Wang S, Zhang X*, Li Z*. 2018. Ethylene responsive factor ERF110 mediates ethylene-regulated transcription of a sex determination-related orthologous gene in two Cucumis species. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69: 2953-2965. (IF2018=5.354)

2Hou S#, Niu H#, Tao Q, Wang S, Gong Z, Li S, Weng Y*, Li Z*. 2017. A mutant in the CsDET2 gene leads to a systemic brassinosteriod deficiency and super compact phenotype in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 130: 1693-1703. (IF2017=4.132)

3Tan J#, Tao Q#, Niu H, Zhang Z, Li D, Gong Z, Weng Y, Li Z*. 2015. A novel allele of monoecious (m) locus in responsible for elongated fruit shape and perfect flowers in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 128: 2483-2493. (IF2015=3.790)

4Li Z#, Wang S#, Gui X, Chang X, Gong Z*. 2013. A further analysis if the relationship between yellow ripe-fruit color and the Capsanthin-Capsorubin synthase gene in pepper (Capsicum sp.) indicated a new mutant variant in C. annuuum and a tandem repeat structure in promoter region. PLoS ONE, 8: e61996. (IF2013=3.730)

5Li Z#, Wang S#, Tao Q, Pan J, Si L, Gong Z, Cai R*. 2012. A putative positive feedback regulation mechanism in CsACS2 expression suggests a modified model for sex determination in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 4475-4484. (IF2012=5.364)

6Li Z#, Huang S#, Liu S#, Pan J, Zhang Z, Tao Q, Shi Q, Jia Z, Zhang W, Chen H, Si L, Zhu L, Cai R*. 2009. Molecular isolation of the M gene suggests that a conserved-residue conversion induces the formation of bisexual flowers in cucumber plants. Genetics, 182: 1381-1385. (IF2009=4.007)

7Li Z#, Pan J#, Guan Y, Tao Q, He H, Si L, Cai R*. 2008. Development and fine mapping of three co-dominant SCAR markers linked to the M/m gene in the cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 117: 1253-1260. (IF2008=3.297)

6. 联系方式

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Email: lizheng82@nwsuaf.edu.cn.



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